Fruit Trees For a Temperate Climate

As I watch the fruits ripen on the trees in our own forest garden, I thought this would be a good time to explore the various fruit tree options for a temperate climate garden. Of course, the best trees for your own specific garden will depend on: Your climate zone and the micro-climate in yourContinue reading “Fruit Trees For a Temperate Climate”

Keeping Things Going: Building Long-Term Resilience in a Garden

Many people have taken to gardening during lockdown in a big way. Seed sales etc. went through the roof and I have been approached by many people who are gardening and growing food in earnest for the first time. But now that lockdown is easing in many areas, it would be easy to let thatContinue reading “Keeping Things Going: Building Long-Term Resilience in a Garden”

How Could You Contribute to a Green Recovery?

As we all seek to move forward and build back better, we all need to ask ourselves how we can contribute to a green recovery. A green recovery is a recovery that enables us to all move forward together – and to take care of our planet – as we move towards a truly sustainableContinue reading “How Could You Contribute to a Green Recovery?”

Organic Pest Control Tips

One of the things that is often forgotten, even by organic gardeners, is that we need some pests to attract the things that eat them. It is very important not to be too zealous in your attempts to rid yourself of pests – no matter how annoying they may be. Often, people imagine that organicContinue reading “Organic Pest Control Tips”

Midsummer Garden

Yesterday was a beautiful midsummer day. After a long country walk, I spent plenty of time keeping on top of things in the garden. Midsummer is a time of abundance – plenty of things are already being harvested, and everything seems so lush and green. Leafy greens – kale, chard, spinach, lettuce, etc. have beenContinue reading “Midsummer Garden”

Appreciating Natural Beauty is Key To Sustainability

Over this difficult period, I have been spending plenty of time in my garden. And though there has been plenty of hard work – there has also been plenty of relaxation. Whether it is in your own garden, or at a local park or beauty spot, taking some to appreciate natural beauty is key. IContinue reading “Appreciating Natural Beauty is Key To Sustainability”

Everything Gardens – We Humans Are Not Alone

If you spend any time in a garden, or out in the natural world, you will very quickly notice that we humans are not the only ones who alter our environments. Gardening and growing are, in essence, our own ways of shaping our surroundings to meet our needs. If we are wise about it, weContinue reading “Everything Gardens – We Humans Are Not Alone”

Tips For Self-Sufficiency in Your Garden

The more you can be self-sufficient in your gardening endeavours, the more sustainable your efforts can be. So let’s take a moment to look at some of the ways you can boost self-sufficiency in your garden: Make your own compost. Harvest rainwater and manage water effectively. Fertilise your garden organically and for free, with naturalContinue reading “Tips For Self-Sufficiency in Your Garden”