Case Study: Yorkshire Garden Design

Working with small and somewhat awkwardly shaped garden spaces is a challenge for many gardeners. But with the right designs we can overcome all the difficulties that can arise and create attractive and functional spaces. Yorkshire Permaculture Design This design for a property near the coast of North Yorkshire, in England, works with existing featuresContinue reading “Case Study: Yorkshire Garden Design”

Case Study: Scottish Permaculture Garden

This is a domestic garden design for a client in eastern Scotland. The key design goals with this project were to create a space for nature-connection, with plenty of space for human recreation and for food production while also providing a sanctuary for local wildlife. The client wanted to incorporate more trees and other plantsContinue reading “Case Study: Scottish Permaculture Garden”

Case Study: Sloping Garden Design

This is a design for a sloping back garden in northern England. The site slopes steeply down from north to south, from the back of the home to the lower end. There is around 2.2m difference in elevation between the highest point outside the back door, to the lowest point close to the end ofContinue reading “Case Study: Sloping Garden Design”

Case Study: Healing Garden

Many of us turn to our gardens when we are in need of healing – in physical body or in mind. In this case study, we see a garden where healing is the main purpose – the primary goal was to create a wildlife friendly space where the client could move around easily, and feelContinue reading “Case Study: Healing Garden”

Case Study: Terraced Forest Garden Permaculture Design

This case study shows the preliminary concept design for a challenging garden with extreme slope in south western England. Existing retaining walls on a steep slope to the north and north east of the existing home are failing, insufficient and in poor repair. There are concerns that damage could occur to the home. Existing plantingContinue reading “Case Study: Terraced Forest Garden Permaculture Design”

Case Study: Child-Friendly Garden Design

This design was for a small garden in southern England, for a client who not only has her own children but also works as a childminder. The garden, therefore, needed to be rationalised and laid out better, so that it would work well for the family themselves, their chickens, their dog, and for all theContinue reading “Case Study: Child-Friendly Garden Design”

Rewilding on a Domestic Scale

Some more ‘traditional’ gardeners who look at parts of my garden may be horrified by the un-manicured state of things, and the wild and natural ‘disorder’. But for me, rewilding on a domestic scale, as well as on a larger scale, is hugely important. We need far fewer neat lawns, of course, and far moreContinue reading “Rewilding on a Domestic Scale”

A Few Photos From the Forest Garden

It is a beautiful and very warm day today, and I thought that I would take the opportunity to take a few photos in the forest garden. Without much comment then, here are some images of my wild little food-filled ‘paradise’: Yes, it is wild and very overgrown at this time of year. Yes, thereContinue reading “A Few Photos From the Forest Garden”

Visitors on the Blossom

The apple trees are in full blossom now, finally, after a very late start this year. And the cherry blossoms are just going over. Now that fine weather has finally arrived, over the last few days, the forest garden is really buzzing with life. Over the time that we have lived here and managed ourContinue reading “Visitors on the Blossom”

Birdwatching in the Garden

We are very lucky here to share our space with a wide range of different birds. We have lots of pigeons, jackdaws, and the summer visiting swallows diving in and out of a barn adjacent to the barn we are converting. And of course, many common garden and woodland birds. Today, we had a newContinue reading “Birdwatching in the Garden”