Case Study: Montana Permaculture Design

Montana is a varied state with diverse eco-regions, incorporating parts of the Rockies, of course, as well as some of the Wyoming Basin and portions of the Northern Great Plains. This design is for a client based towards the south-west of the state, in a mesic montane area where small fragments of stable, climax AspenContinue reading “Case Study: Montana Permaculture Design”

Case Study: Large Scale Agricultural Design, Permaculture in Angola

This case study is a broad-level concept plan for a large agricultural project of 25,000 ha in Angola. Of course, this gives only a broad overview of my concept for this site. This large farm operating according to permaculture principles can serve as a test site for agricultural progress and food security in countries whereContinue reading “Case Study: Large Scale Agricultural Design, Permaculture in Angola”

Case Study: Dryland Permaculture Design

Happy new year! I hope that everyone has had a good start to 2024 and is ready to dive headlong into a new year of possibilities and a new growing season. For my first post of the year, I wanted to share this exciting concept design for a dryland permaculture design project in Arizona whichContinue reading “Case Study: Dryland Permaculture Design”

Case Study: Illinois Permaculture Design

This is the preliminary permaculture concept plan for a farmstead in Illinois. the design aims to synthesise the ideas of the client with the demands of the site and to allow them to make the most of the property – recently purchased – that has been somewhat neglected in recent years.  The client, a hobby farmerContinue reading “Case Study: Illinois Permaculture Design”

Case Study: Scotland Agroforestry

This is the concept plan for a new food producing garden and agroforestry area of approximately 4 acres, on a smallholding of around 7 acres in south west Scotland, where the primary goal is to provide a substantial proportion of the diet of the inhabitants while also generating income through additional yields. As well asContinue reading “Case Study: Scotland Agroforestry”

Case Study: India Permaculture Syntropic Agroforestry

This case study is an initial concept plan for a design I am currently working on in India’s Tamil Nadu region. The goal for this design is to create a syntropic food forest or agroforestry system on this site. To facilitate creation and water management, the main portion of the planting zone will be laidContinue reading “Case Study: India Permaculture Syntropic Agroforestry”

Case Study: Cambodian Project

This month has been a little different to many for me because rather than working on a number of smaller designs, I have predominantly been working on the next stage of the large project in Cambodia which I shared before. Above, you can see a portion of the planting plans for the North Valley areasContinue reading “Case Study: Cambodian Project”

Case Study: Cambodia Permaculture Project

I’ve had a very busy week, so have not had time to write any other posts this week. But I did want to share with you an exciting and large-scale project which I have been working on, and will be working a lot more on next month. Eco- Resort, Restoration, Reclamation – A Sustainable FutureContinue reading “Case Study: Cambodia Permaculture Project”

Case Study: Philippines Permaculture Plan

This concept design, which I completed late last year, outlines a holistic plan for a small farm on the island of Guimaras, in the Philippines. The plan will bring together work already completed on the property, to create a naturally harmonious ecosystem which meets human needs while nurturing the environment and boosting biodiversity on theContinue reading “Case Study: Philippines Permaculture Plan”

Planting For the Long Term

Often, gardeners and farmers will focus on plants which provide yields in the short term. They will grow annual fruits and vegetables, and, perhaps, plant fruit bushes and fruit trees which will yield only a year or two after planting. But great gardens and farms seek to provide for people and wildlife not just inContinue reading “Planting For the Long Term”