How To Avoid Buying in Organic Materials to Make New Gardens

Many people establishing new garden areas immediately jump to purchasing organic materials such as compost, topsoil or wood chip mulch. But more often than not, it is possible to source materials for free, or even to avoid purchasing materials altogether by using what is already on site. One tool that is very useful for thoseContinue reading “How To Avoid Buying in Organic Materials to Make New Gardens”

Purple Sprouting Broccoli – a Great Value Crop

In my garden, one of the plants I am really enjoying eating at the moment is purple sprouting broccoli. We eat the fresh young heads raw in salads, as well as cooking them and adding them to a wide range of recipes. Purple sprouting broccoli is often overlooked by gardeners, in favour of the green,Continue reading “Purple Sprouting Broccoli – a Great Value Crop”

How Large Should a Beginner Garden Be?

If you are new to growing your own, you might be contemplating creating a sustainable food producing garden for the first time this year. Many people feel a little overwhelmed when they start to consider creating a garden to grow their own for the first time. But it is important to recognise that gardens comeContinue reading “How Large Should a Beginner Garden Be?”

Home Growing and Personal Growth

Growing your own is not just about providing food for yourself and your family. It can also allow you to grow in a range of ways – some of them rather interesting and perhaps even surprising. Caring for plants and forging a closer connection with the natural world can make you grow as a personContinue reading “Home Growing and Personal Growth”

Empowering Children To Make Sustainable Change

Children will not only will they grow up to inherit the world we have created – they can also play a major role in creating the world we all wish to see. All too often, children are sidelined. They are viewed as powerless dependents, who are merely there to be guarded and protected. But childrenContinue reading “Empowering Children To Make Sustainable Change”