Overcoming Barriers to City Rewilding and Re-greening Initiatives

Rewilding cities and other human-centric spaces is increasingly important, as more and more people spend their lives in massive metropolises with little access to truly natural and ‘wild’ environments, and as we encroach ever more on the wildlife around us. Rewilding Cities: Identifying Sites for Permaculture Design Identifying land suitable for rewilding in cities andContinue reading “Overcoming Barriers to City Rewilding and Re-greening Initiatives”

Permaculture Communities – Design Tips and Ideas

I have worked on designs for a range of permaculture communities around the world, on a range of scales. Community is important, and understanding how we can scale up from the personal and individual to a broader-scale resilience though permaculture design is crucial for a sustainable future. What is a Permaculture Community? When I talkContinue reading “Permaculture Communities – Design Tips and Ideas”

Case Study: Co-Housing Permaculture Design

I’ve had a very busy few weeks, but wanted to update you on another case study showing a design I completed some time ago. I have been rather slow to update of late so I have several recent designs to share, and I will be sure to do so over the next week or two.Continue reading “Case Study: Co-Housing Permaculture Design”

Earth Day Inspiration

What should you do to celebrate Earth Day, invest in our planet and take action? There are, of course, a great many things that you can do – and not just on Earth Day. Remember, caring for people and planet should be something we all do year-round. But Earth Day is an opportunity to hitContinue reading “Earth Day Inspiration”

Land Ownership and Land Access

As a designer, I usually work with those who have been fortunate enough to purchase land. But I also work with communities and groups who are overcoming the challenges of access to land and providing what essentially becomes common land for the benefit of all. This is something I feel very passionate about. Land ownershipContinue reading “Land Ownership and Land Access”

Sustainability in Communities

Building a stronger sense of community is crucial for the transition to a more sustainable way of life. In the past, everyone belonged to strong local communities – everyone knew one another and it was normal to know all your neighbours. Few of us are lucky enough to be in the same position today. ThoughContinue reading “Sustainability in Communities”

Case Study: Mediterranean Agroforestry Community

This is the initial concept plan for an exciting 22 acre property in southern France, in a Mediterranean climate zone. There is an existing farmhouse, with a gite, ruined barn and existing walled kitchen garden which is overgrown and disused. Behind the farmhouse are several fields of grape vines which are also in need ofContinue reading “Case Study: Mediterranean Agroforestry Community”

Case Study: Front Yard Farm

This group of seven front yards in Illinois will soon become a front yard farm, growing a range of produce for the seven households (of 15 people). Seven front yard ‘fields’ will be tended by the farmer, living at lot 3 on the above plan. And his garage will become a hub for the farm’sContinue reading “Case Study: Front Yard Farm”

Could You Farm Your Neighbours’ Front Yards?

Tomorrow I will share a very interesting case study which shows that it can be a great idea to talk to your neighbours. One enterprising gardener decided to speak with his neighbours about using their grass front yards to grow food. Though this gardener does have his own garden, he was frustrated by lack ofContinue reading “Could You Farm Your Neighbours’ Front Yards?”

Remember – Consumers Have the Power to Drive Sustainable Change

When faced with companies and governments who do not necessarily do as much as we need and want them to do when it comes to sustainability, it is common for people to wonder what they, as individuals, could possibly do. It can be frustrating when the ‘powers that be’ are not doing enough. But weContinue reading “Remember – Consumers Have the Power to Drive Sustainable Change”