Case Study: Montana Permaculture Design

Montana is a varied state with diverse eco-regions, incorporating parts of the Rockies, of course, as well as some of the Wyoming Basin and portions of the Northern Great Plains. This design is for a client based towards the south-west of the state, in a mesic montane area where small fragments of stable, climax AspenContinue reading “Case Study: Montana Permaculture Design”

Case Study: Scotland Permaculture Design for Flooding Mitigation

Often in permaculture design, we encounter issues with water. In many areas and on many specific sites, a shortage of water is the challenge. But on occasion, we may find that the challenge we need to address is not too little water, but too much. In some regions, we are not faced with increasing droughtContinue reading “Case Study: Scotland Permaculture Design for Flooding Mitigation”

Case Study: Illinois Permaculture Design

This is the preliminary permaculture concept plan for a farmstead in Illinois. the design aims to synthesise the ideas of the client with the demands of the site and to allow them to make the most of the property – recently purchased – that has been somewhat neglected in recent years.  The client, a hobby farmerContinue reading “Case Study: Illinois Permaculture Design”

Case Study: Tiny Home Agroforestry and Rewilding

When people acquire a piece of land, often, their first thought is to erect a large home on it. But as this interesting project demonstrates, we can live much more lightly on the land. This plot in Scotland comprises almost a hectare (just under 2.5 acres) of marginal land but will accommodate a wooden cabinContinue reading “Case Study: Tiny Home Agroforestry and Rewilding”

Case Study – Wetlands and Farm

This case study may be of interest because it shows how productivity and high yield can go hand in hand with rewilding and ecosystem conservation. The area where the ponds system is shown may be of particular note. At present, this area (and some of the field behind in where an agroforestry orchard is shown)Continue reading “Case Study – Wetlands and Farm”