Case Study: Montana Permaculture Design

Montana is a varied state with diverse eco-regions, incorporating parts of the Rockies, of course, as well as some of the Wyoming Basin and portions of the Northern Great Plains. This design is for a client based towards the south-west of the state, in a mesic montane area where small fragments of stable, climax AspenContinue reading “Case Study: Montana Permaculture Design”

Case Study: Scotland Permaculture Design for Flooding Mitigation

Often in permaculture design, we encounter issues with water. In many areas and on many specific sites, a shortage of water is the challenge. But on occasion, we may find that the challenge we need to address is not too little water, but too much. In some regions, we are not faced with increasing droughtContinue reading “Case Study: Scotland Permaculture Design for Flooding Mitigation”

Fragile Systems Hamper Sustainability

One need only look at the issues relating to the energy supply, and fuel supplies here in the UK at the moment to recognise that fragile systems are an issue for any society which aims for true sustainability. I have spoken quite a lot about the importance of building resilience and reducing fragility at allContinue reading “Fragile Systems Hamper Sustainability”

Building Natural Capital

When you think about how wealthy you are, you might think about bricks and mortar property, possessions, and money in the bank. But it is important to understand that wealth comes also from the natural world around us. Whether on your own property, in your community, or in your broader environment, building natural capital isContinue reading “Building Natural Capital”

Where Leadership Fails in Our Climate Crisis, We Must Hold Them To Account

News stories this month reporting the UK government’s decision to potentially give the green light to new drilling in the North Sea, at the Cambo Oil Field, and Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon failure to outright condemn the move – saying merely that it should be reconsidered – are yet more disappointing signs when itContinue reading “Where Leadership Fails in Our Climate Crisis, We Must Hold Them To Account”

Sustainable Living – Spotting Greenwashing

Living in a sustainable way always means being very careful about the companies you deal with and the things you buy. One great thing at the moment is that more and more people are becoming aware of environmental issues, social injustices and the importance of sustainability. But while this is of course a very goodContinue reading “Sustainable Living – Spotting Greenwashing”

Beyond Profit and Financial Cost – Looking at Real Value

When it comes to economics, profit has historically been king. But one of the things that we all have to learn, as a global society, is that real value does not lie in financial profit and endless growth. We need to learn to look at the cost of things not just in terms of money,Continue reading “Beyond Profit and Financial Cost – Looking at Real Value”

Giving – Charity for Sustainability

One of the theories for the origins of the term Boxing Day is that this was the day when alms or charitable boxes were traditionally distributed. I thought this might be a good time to talk about the role that charity or giving can play in furthering sustainability. Today is that day that I likeContinue reading “Giving – Charity for Sustainability”

Building Forest Garden Guilds

In a forest garden, the goal when choosing different plants is to build guilds of beneficial plants which aid one another and us in a range of ways. If you are familiar with the idea of a forest garden, you will already know that they involve layered planting. The top layer are the canopy trees.Continue reading “Building Forest Garden Guilds”

Connect and Thrive

Everything in nature is connected. While we, as humans, often have a tendency to compartmentalise, permaculture involves seeing everything holistically. We must understand the connections between elements in every system, and use and value diversity. We must recognise natural interactions and use them to our advantage. When we connect – both to other people andContinue reading “Connect and Thrive”