Case Study: Yorkshire Garden Design

Working with small and somewhat awkwardly shaped garden spaces is a challenge for many gardeners. But with the right designs we can overcome all the difficulties that can arise and create attractive and functional spaces. Yorkshire Permaculture Design This design for a property near the coast of North Yorkshire, in England, works with existing featuresContinue reading “Case Study: Yorkshire Garden Design”

Maximalism in Garden Design

Recently, I was introduced to a term which I was not particularly familiar with before: maximalism. This is a concept with says that more is more. It is the antithesis of minimalist design. This is a concept I like, and which works well with my usual style when it comes to garden design. I mightContinue reading “Maximalism in Garden Design”

Get Your Garden Ready to Entertain This Summer – Sustainable Garden Tips

As many of us move out of lockdowns once more, we’re looking forward to welcoming friends and families into our gardens over the summer months. So to help you prepare for summer parties and gatherings, here are some tip tips to make your garden ready in a sustainable way: Plant for fresh produce that youContinue reading “Get Your Garden Ready to Entertain This Summer – Sustainable Garden Tips”

Market Gardening – Getting Started

If you are considering starting a market garden for the first time this year, you may be feeling somewhat overwhelmed by everything you need to do. You might be wondering whether you can really make a profit by selling your market garden produce. I have seen numerous examples of successful market gardens around the world,Continue reading “Market Gardening – Getting Started”

Designing for Different Climates and Conditions

Sometimes even experienced permaculture designers seem to fall into ruts when it comes to their recommendations and design choices. But it is always important to make sure that we really do respect both the site and the client – and design specifically for each individual project. Recently, I have been working on several different designsContinue reading “Designing for Different Climates and Conditions”

Analysing Risk In Sustainability

Analysing what could go wrong is a major part of planning for a sustainable future. When it comes to our climate crisis, much of the planning we must do revolves around understanding future risks and making plans to avoid them where possible, and mitigate their effects where we cannot.  There are many shocks that canContinue reading “Analysing Risk In Sustainability”

Patterns in Permaculture

In permaculture, you will often hear talk of designing from patterns to details. Most frequently, this idea is applied to garden design. We think about the patterns of sunlight and water, plant growth and human interaction. Since permaculture can also be applied in other areas of life, patterns can also refer to a range ofContinue reading “Patterns in Permaculture”