Case Study: Montana Permaculture Design

Montana is a varied state with diverse eco-regions, incorporating parts of the Rockies, of course, as well as some of the Wyoming Basin and portions of the Northern Great Plains. This design is for a client based towards the south-west of the state, in a mesic montane area where small fragments of stable, climax AspenContinue reading “Case Study: Montana Permaculture Design”

Ecosystem Restoration – Avoiding Mistakes, Doing No Harm

I recently wrote an article for Treehugger about the Lessons I’ve Learned Through Ecosystem Restoration. In this article, I try to put to rest some of the common misconceptions about ecosystem restoration, and highlight some of the common mistakes that are made. I talk about the vital importance of designing for a specific site, andContinue reading “Ecosystem Restoration – Avoiding Mistakes, Doing No Harm”

Bioregional Organisation in Sustainability

Understanding your bioregion can be important in finding a deep rooted connection to and appreciation for the place where you live. And looking at conservation, ecosystem restoration and sustainability can also involve bioregional approaches and bioregional organisation. When we think about where we live in the world, we will often focus on political boundaries, whichContinue reading “Bioregional Organisation in Sustainability”

Indigenous Peoples’ Day

Indigenous Peoples’ Day, a day celebrating the native peoples of America, has been recognised by the federal government in the US, and this is a day to recognise their contribution and, crucially, to listen to what they have to say as we transition to a more sustainable future. But as well as celebrating, we shouldContinue reading “Indigenous Peoples’ Day”

Climate Justice – Listening is Key

Joined up thinking is crucial as we work towards climate justice, and tackling the climate crisis can and should definitely go hand-in-hand with tackling other issues: conflict, inequality, poverty, health etc.. But understanding how to create holistic systems requires us to listen. Listening is always key. Several of the projects I am involved with demonstrateContinue reading “Climate Justice – Listening is Key”

Be Aware of Natural Dangers

We tend to sanitise and tame nature to such a degree in our parks and gardens that many people have forgotten just how ‘wild’ the wild really can be. But when we spend time in natural surroundings, it is important to think about how fragile we are as humans, and never underestimate the natural world.Continue reading “Be Aware of Natural Dangers”

Rewilding Ourselves as Well as the Environment

As I was walking through farmland and woods out the back of our house today, it struck me just how divorced most of us are from the real ‘wild’. Wilderness is something that is in short supply in many of our environments. And it is also something that is in short supply in our livesContinue reading “Rewilding Ourselves as Well as the Environment”

10 Resolutions for a More Sustainable 2021

Happy New Year! This is a great time to retrench, and confirm your commitment to a more sustainable way of life. So to get things started on the right foot, here are ten sustainable new year’s resolutions you may wish to consider: Grow at least some of your own food at home. Make sure foodContinue reading “10 Resolutions for a More Sustainable 2021”

Ecosystem Restoration and Community Development Must Go Hand in Hand

I’ve been working on an ongoing project in Somalia, and this has led me to think a lot about the fact that, all too often, efforts in conservation and ecosystem restoration are divorced from efforts in the social and economic spheres. We often talk about the fact that economic sustainability involves looking at the environmentalContinue reading “Ecosystem Restoration and Community Development Must Go Hand in Hand”

Why Carbon Offsetting is Not Enough

Many individuals and businesses are lulled into a false sense of security by the idea that they can simply offset the carbon they emit or are responsible for emitting with a carbon offset scheme. But the truth of the matter is that carbon offsetting alone will not tackle the climate crisis, not solve the otherContinue reading “Why Carbon Offsetting is Not Enough”