Native Plant Family Garden Design in Hawthorne, California

This is the first part of my design for a family in Hawthorne, California, a part of the Los Angeles metropolitan area. I am currently working on the planting plans for each of the areas shown on this plan and am close to completing the more detailed design. In this design, family-life is central. TheContinue reading “Native Plant Family Garden Design in Hawthorne, California”

Case Study: Washington DC Permaculture Plan

In this case study for a family garden in Washington DC, water takes centre stage. Craving an aquatic idyll, the clients requested a garden with a waterfall, lazy river and natural swimming pool, taking advantage of a natural depression in the back yard. A native plant-filled rain garden completes the watery picture – keeping waterContinue reading “Case Study: Washington DC Permaculture Plan”

Case Study: Utah Permaculture Design

The above design is my initial concept plan for a client in Utah. One of the primary goals for this design was to manage water wisely on the property, catching and storing as much as possible from the retained hillside to the north, as well as from the home itself. The design aims to preventContinue reading “Case Study: Utah Permaculture Design”

Case Study: Montana Permaculture Design

Montana is a varied state with diverse eco-regions, incorporating parts of the Rockies, of course, as well as some of the Wyoming Basin and portions of the Northern Great Plains. This design is for a client based towards the south-west of the state, in a mesic montane area where small fragments of stable, climax AspenContinue reading “Case Study: Montana Permaculture Design”

Case Study: Panama Permaculture

This case study shows my design for a client in Panama who is looking to create a care facility for those with Alzheimers and dementia on her property. Holistic Design for Holistic Care Caring for her own mother, my client has discovered the immense benefits of holistic care in a restful and natural environment andContinue reading “Case Study: Panama Permaculture”

Case Study: Texas Permaculture

This is my concept design for a client in the Western Cross Timbers bioregion of Texas who primarily reached out for help with their water management plans for the area around their home. Permaculture Water Management As you can see from the plan above, the design incorporates many water-management features commonly found in permaculture designs,Continue reading “Case Study: Texas Permaculture”

Case Study: Yorkshire Garden Design

Working with small and somewhat awkwardly shaped garden spaces is a challenge for many gardeners. But with the right designs we can overcome all the difficulties that can arise and create attractive and functional spaces. Yorkshire Permaculture Design This design for a property near the coast of North Yorkshire, in England, works with existing featuresContinue reading “Case Study: Yorkshire Garden Design”

Case Study: Flower Farm Initial Concept Design

There are many ways to diversify income streams on a farm and many ways to obtain an income from a piece of land. This case study shows my preliminary concept design for a portion of a property in Georgia where the clients wish to develop a commercial flower farm, expanding an existing business. Diverse FlowerContinue reading “Case Study: Flower Farm Initial Concept Design”

Case Study: Czech Republic Permaculture Plan

A family in the Czech Republic requested this design for a portion of their property in order to grow as much of their own food as possible. They wish to create a pleasing place where their family of four with two young boys can spend plenty of time, relaxing, playing and foraging. They also wantedContinue reading “Case Study: Czech Republic Permaculture Plan”

Case Study: Philippines Permaculture Plan

This is my concept design for a site of approximately 2,500 sq m on Cabilao Island, in the Philippines. The design aims to maximise food production while also providing each of the elements desired by the client, responding to the strengths, opportunities, challenges and weaknesses of the specific site and delivering plenty of options forContinue reading “Case Study: Philippines Permaculture Plan”