Native Plant Family Garden Design in Hawthorne, California

This is the first part of my design for a family in Hawthorne, California, a part of the Los Angeles metropolitan area. I am currently working on the planting plans for each of the areas shown on this plan and am close to completing the more detailed design. In this design, family-life is central. TheContinue reading “Native Plant Family Garden Design in Hawthorne, California”

Case Study: Utah Permaculture Design

The above design is my initial concept plan for a client in Utah. One of the primary goals for this design was to manage water wisely on the property, catching and storing as much as possible from the retained hillside to the north, as well as from the home itself. The design aims to preventContinue reading “Case Study: Utah Permaculture Design”

Case Study: Water-Wise California Garden

Water-wise gardening is crucial wherever you live. But is especially important, of course, in regions where water-shortage is a particularly pressing issue. This concept design for a garden in California shows that xeriscaping – or water-wise planting – does not always have to involve vast expanses of paving and gravel and spiky cacti and succulents.Continue reading “Case Study: Water-Wise California Garden”

Why Too Much Hard Paving is a Bad Idea

It is depressing to walk down city streets and see home after home with huge areas for cars or huge patios. So much grey asphalt, concrete and pavers is hardly cheering. And there are also many other reasons why too much hard paving is a bad idea. For one thing, huge areas of impermeable surfaceContinue reading “Why Too Much Hard Paving is a Bad Idea”