Case Study: Montana Permaculture Design

Montana is a varied state with diverse eco-regions, incorporating parts of the Rockies, of course, as well as some of the Wyoming Basin and portions of the Northern Great Plains. This design is for a client based towards the south-west of the state, in a mesic montane area where small fragments of stable, climax Aspen forest and woodland without conifers can be found.

The primary goals for this design were to build ecological capital through linking existing ecosystems and boosting biodiversity, to create an area for a rustic campground, and to allow for relatively small-scale hobby farming around the existing home.

Rewilding and Ecosystem Restoration

Ecologically speaking, the main priorities for this concept design were:

  • Repair of riparian woodland where this had been degraded or lost towards the north of the property, along the existing creek.
  • Restoration of wetlands and ponds where, currently, blocked agricultural ditches and damaged culverts poorly manage water flow from the higher elevations on existing pasture land.
  • Creation of aspen woodland wildlife corridors to link up remnant aspen stands with the riparian planting along the creek.
  • Restoration of tree cover to the promontory to the north of the existing home, to tackle run-off affecting the property.

Hobby Farm Permaculture Design

While rewilding and ecosystem restoration were the client’s key concerns, the client also wished to grow food, and so there are also elements to allow for self-sufficiency:

A food forest, incorporating fruit and nut trees suited to the environment and layered understory planting.

Alley-cropped vegetables in a silvo-arable agroforestry system.

A silvopasture system in which a small number of chickens and ruminants would be rotationally grazed in a regenerative farming system.

The rustic campground area is designed to provide hay/fodder for livestock while also providing a haven for local wildlife and human visitors alike, and will yield a small additional income stream for the clients.

If you would like some help with rewildling or ecosystem restoration and/or with the design of your hobby farm, smallholding or small sustainable farm, please do get in touch to discuss your desires and requirements.

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