Case Study: Czech Republic Permaculture Plan

A family in the Czech Republic requested this design for a portion of their property in order to grow as much of their own food as possible. They wish to create a pleasing place where their family of four with two young boys can spend plenty of time, relaxing, playing and foraging. They also wanted to work out how to integrate their chickens and ducks into the system.

Creating Synergy in Permaculture Design

Working with some existing fruit trees and an existing greenhouse, this plan aims to maximise yields and increase biodiversity to increase stability and resilience, and, crucially, to create high levels of synergy between all the different elements within the system and within the planting itself.

One example of the synergy at play here are the ways in which the chickens and ducks are integrated into the planting schemes for food production. The chicken run surrounding the annual garden beds helps with organic pest control, as the chickens can help to keep a number of pest populations down.

Chickens also play a role in waste management, helping to turn waste from the garden into fertiliser and scratching at the compost to mix and aerate it effectively, speeding decomposition.

All the while, the flock can also very much enjoy leftovers from the crops in the garden, and taking their share from fruiting shrubs and other forage plants along the edges of their run. They will also benefit from the warmth of the greenhouse and shade in summer from fences, planting, tunnels etc…

Ducks can also play an important role in the forest garden orchard area in future – as they graze throughout the system once it is established, they will help feed the plants and also play a role in organic pest control.

If you want some help with plant choices, plant layout, or livestock integration, or all of the above, to create more synergy on your own property, please do get in touch to discuss your requirements and get a quote for a design.

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