Attracting Butterflies in a Garden

One of the most important things in organic gardening is, of course, making sure that we welcome in wildlife in our gardens. Butterflies are one of the many creatures that we should aim to attract. In addition to the ecological services they provide, butterflies are, of course, attractive creatures. Seeing them alighting on our flowers and flitting across our gardens can bring a lot of pleasure and enjoyment.

This article – How I Attract Butterflies to My Garden – explains how I attract and aid the butterflies in my area.

Choosing the right butterfly-friendly plants for your garden involves thinking about the species present where you live, and finding the plants best able to meet their needs. As I mention in my article, native plants are often best.

Since I have recently been working on a rain garden design (which I will share in my case study on Saturday), this is one key habitat creation strategy which I would like to highlight. Rain gardens can be extremely useful in managing rainwater in your garden – preventing run-off and pollution. And they are far better, and more water wise options than lawns or other typical landscaping choices. The plants in a rain garden aid pollinators and other wildlife too – butterflies included.

If you would like some help to create a native plant, butterfly-friendly garden for where you live, please do get in touch so we can discuss your design.

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