Virginia Permaculture Design: Native Plants, Forest Garden, Mandala Garden

This is a garden design for the ridge and valley ecoregion of Virginia, incorporating plenty of native plant species and primarily aims to:

  • Produce edible yields and other diverse yields in an ecologically sensitive way.
  • Create a series of varied, beautiful and productive wildlife habitats and human habitats.
  • Conserve water and manage water and other natural resources wisely on the site.

This concept design, for which I have also delivered a full planting plan, incorporates a wide range of plants native to the eco-region, within a range of different ecosystem types.

Alongside some food producing species suited to the area but not native, I have included numerous native plant species. Species were chosen for symbiosis and for their yields, as well as for visual appeal.

As you can see, this design shares features in common with many of my designs – including: forest garden areas, rain gardens, swales, a wildlife pond, areas of wildflower meadow, native woodland/tree planting, plenty of space for perennial food production and annual polyculture beds for common fruits and vegetables, companion planted, of course, with flowers and herbs.

A mandala garden brings in an element of visual appeal as well as drawing on nature’s patterns in this particular design. If you feel drawn to this circular form in garden design then you are not alone. Here are some of my other designs in which mandala gardens feature strongly. Circles and curving forms often lend themselves well to permaculture design projects.

If you would like a design with similar elements to this one for your own garden, please do get in touch. I hope to hear from you soon to discuss how I can help you create a design for your garden that will help you achieve all your garden goals for yourself, your family, and the other creatures with whom you share your space!

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